The Student Breakfast Club outreach project was launched in 2019 following the realisation that there is little to no community based support for University students, we recognise that a lot of people don’t view university students as vulnerable, but if you are a student, know a student or the parent of a student you will know, only too well, how wrong this view is.


Cardigan Centre

145 Cardigan Road,




Saturday 1:00pm - 4:00pm


We know that many students report feeling lonely or homesick, especially at the weekends, but what really shocked us was how many students believed they were alone in how they felt and that everyone but them were having the time of their lives. We know that feelings of loneliness and isolation can also have a negative impact on mental health, so we wanted to do something to help. Prevention is one of our core values, so the aim of the Breakfast Club was simple: connect with students in an environment that is safe and welcoming and take the opportunity to provide information on how to stay well.

We first opened our doors in 2019 with tons of passion but not much clue, we had no way of knowing if students would be interested and if they were would it serve any other purpose than providing a free breakfast butty? Our instincts told us it would and we forged ahead taking a ‘Field of Dreams’ approach, build it and they will come. Fast forward a pandemic, multiple lockdowns, cost of living crisis……

We now welcome over 300 hundred students a week! It is fair to say that the Breakfast Club is even better than we imagined, students tell us they look forward to coming and the feedback we have received has been overwhelmingly positive. The atmosphere is brilliant and the room is filled with positivity. We asked some of the student to try and sum up in phrase what it is we are offering, 2 different phrases kept coming up and when put together sum it up perfectly:

“Home From Home” , “Safety Zone”

We are always looking out for volunteers to help us! Anything is appreciated and isn’t mandatory as we understand that life can get in the way sometimes.

If you’re interested and believe in what we do here at the charity, we look forward to hearing from you!